This one-of-a-kind A320 simulator has been built using original flight controls for the ultimate hands-on experience. Original sidesticks and rudder pedals give you full 3-axis control of the aircraft in manual flight.
The simulator is a dual seat, fixed-base, front view emulation of the Airbus A320 allowing full end-to-end simulation of typical airline operations of this remarkable aircraft.
See and feel the instrument panels and controls just as they are in the real aircraft. The simulator has been built with commercial pilots in mind. So when you take your seat for take-off you can be sure that your experience will be like that which can support professional pilot training. From take-off to landing you will experience high fidelity flight procedures, operations and navigation.
The simulator has been built around real flight controls which have already flown in real aircraft around the world. The original sidesticks give you the real feel of hand-flying the aircraft as well as the steering and rudder control system with its dual operation and differential brakes.
Program the Flight Management and Guidance System; manage navigation; take control of the aircraft’s electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic system; and of course handle inflight abnormal and emergencies with the assistance of the Electronic Aircraft Centralised Monitoring (ECAM) system.
The A320’s unique flight control laws and envelope protections are presented with the capability to demonstrate control degradation and backup. See how this unprecedented aircraft flies gracefully through stalls, prevents overspeed and manages flight safety like no other.
Just let us know if there is something specific you’d like to try in the sim or see what the aircraft can do.
Note that the simulation environment is a training platform and the aircraft system simulation is to support the flight experience.